Betel Fertilizer

11: 8: 9 + 3 Mg ++ can be used for safe cultivation with high income.

 This fertilizer mixture is prepared according to the fertilizer recommendation for betel
cultivation of the Department of Export Agriculture.

 This fertilizer is suitable for the cultivation of betel produced for export and betel released
for the local market.


Applying betel fertilizers provides the following benefits.
 The amount of betel leaves increases rapidly and gives a high yield.
 The color and thickness of the betel leaf increases.
 High quality and quantity yield is obtained.
 It is resistant to diseases due to its organic and chemical properties.
 No need to mix with other fertilizers.

Follow these instructions carefully.
 Apply in accordance with the fertilizer recommendation.
 Broadcast evenly over soil
 Incorporate into soil gently.
 Do not let fertilizer fall on leaves or stem.
 For best results make sure soil is moist before fertilizer application
or water immediately after fertilizer application.

Adding farmers compost or bio compost to the soil can reduce the amount of chemical
fertilizers needed to be applied to the soil and increase the efficiency of fertilizer use.
Furthermore, avoid single bulky application of fertilizer, small applications at regular
intervals are more beneficial.

Betel fertilizer is applied in the following way.
 Apply 10 kg of betel fertilizer to 500 betel vines once every 2-3 weeks at the time
of harvest.
 Apply 10 kg of betel fertilizer to 1000 betel vine poles from the time of planting to
the time of harvesting.
 Make a small circular canal around the betel vine and apply fertilizer in the canal
and then mix it with the soil. When applying fertilizer, apply the fertilizer so that it
does not fall on the betel leaves.
 Do not apply fertilizer when there are diseases, too much sun and heavy rain.
 Removing weeds before applying fertilizer can prevent fertilizer wastage.


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