Instructions for flowers fertilizer application
For potted plants – According to the size of pot, 5- 15 g of fertilizer
should be applied per pot in every month. Fertilizer sprinkled well
throughout the pot & mixed thoroughly with soil.
For field plant – Apply fertilizer on well prepared beds evenly at rate 75 g
per square meter at 2-3 days before & incorporate with soil using fork.
Then 2-4 weeks after planting, fertilizer may be applied at the rate of 50g
per square meter as a top dressing. Sprinkle evenly on surface around the
plant and mixed lightly with the soil. Repeated it at 3-4 weeks as required.
Taking care to avoid contamination of tender leaves by fertilizer.
Shrubs and Trees – Should be treated with appropriate fertilizer at rates
varying from 100 g to 1 kg per plant per time. It is depending on size of the
tree / shrub. Fertilizer should be applied in a circle, with light forking. The
radius of the circle should be increased with age of the plant. Repeat at 3-6
month interval as required.
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