Farmers Amino Plus Liquid Fertilizer
Farmers Organic Liquid fertilizer consists of NPK with macro and micro nutrients together with amino
acids. After the applications of farmer’s organic liquid to leaves or roots, this penetrates active
ingredients to the plant cells and works systematically. It increases the nutrient intake and improves
the effectiveness of foliar fertilizer and crop protection process. This also works as a plant stress
controller and as an energy supplier in addition to the supply of NPK and macro and micro nutrients
which power up and strengthens the plant’s vegetative growth.
Farmer’s Organic Liquid Fertilizer is available for T top for paddy as V top and for vegetable as Amino
acids. After the applications of farmer’s organic liquid to leaves or roots, this penetrates active
ingredients to the plant cells and works systematically. It increases the nutrient intake and improves
the effectiveness of foliar fertilizer and crop protection process. This also works as a plant stress
controller and as an energy supplier in addition to the supply of NPK and macro and micro nutrients
which power up and strengthens the plant’s vegetative growth.
Farmer’s Organic Liquid Fertilizer is available for T top for paddy as V top and for vegetable as Amino
Test parameter ————Test Result
Nitrogen———————— 3.5-4.5
Phosphorous P2O5 ————1.0-2.0
Potassium K2O —————-0.5-1.0
pH ——————————-5.0-7.0
Organic Carbon —————-12-15
Conductivity – ds/m, max 1—5-22
Microbiological Characteristics
Fecal Coliforms Colonies (Upn/ml)– No
Salmonella ——————————No
Staphylococcus aureus —————-No
Escherichila Cell ———————–No
Vibrio cholera ————————–No
Listeria Monocytogenes —————No
Toxic Elements
Arsenic as As, mg/kg, max ≤ 0.4
Cadmium as Cd, mg/kg, max ≤ 0.3
Chromium as Cr ,mg/kg, max ≤ 0.4
Lead as Pb, mg/kg, max ≤ 0.8
Mercury, as Hq, mg/kg, max No
Nitrogen———————— 3.5-4.5
Phosphorous P2O5 ————1.0-2.0
Potassium K2O —————-0.5-1.0
pH ——————————-5.0-7.0
Organic Carbon —————-12-15
Conductivity – ds/m, max 1—5-22
Microbiological Characteristics
Fecal Coliforms Colonies (Upn/ml)– No
Salmonella ——————————No
Staphylococcus aureus —————-No
Escherichila Cell ———————–No
Vibrio cholera ————————–No
Listeria Monocytogenes —————No
Toxic Elements
Arsenic as As, mg/kg, max ≤ 0.4
Cadmium as Cd, mg/kg, max ≤ 0.3
Chromium as Cr ,mg/kg, max ≤ 0.4
Lead as Pb, mg/kg, max ≤ 0.8
Mercury, as Hq, mg/kg, max No
Suitable crops for applying Farmer’s Amino plus (Organic Liquid Fertilizer)
• Paddy, maize, Kurakkan like Cereal crops
• Green beans, soybeans, sesame like legumes
• Kekiri, cucumber, bitter gourd, pumpkin, snake guard, luffa & water melon like Cucurbitaceae
family crops
• Chili, tomato & eggplants like Solanaceae family crops
• carrots, Radish , beetroot, cabbage, like Crops
• Banana, papaya, passion fruit, pineapples like fruit crops
• Betel , pepper
Dosage and Application
• Farmer’s organic Liquid fertilizer can be applied in any stage of the crop cultivation.
• Mix 4-5 Liters of Farmer’s organic liquid fertilizer with 400 Liters of water per hectare.
• Repeat the same withing 7-14 days as per the requirement of the cultivation the get the best
• Using Farmer’s organic liquid fertilizer in the evening time will give more results.
Benefits of using Farmer’s Organic Liquid (Farmer’s Amino plus/ V Top/ T Top)
• Increase branches, buds, flowering and fruiting.
• Improves fruit size and texture.
• Enhances the ability of fruit to remain fresh.
• Plants become stronger, more powerful and resistant to stress.
• Increase harvest period and yield and weight.
• Increase resistant to pest and disease attack.
• Can be applied any type of crops.
Available pack size
• 200 ml, 500 ml, 1 Ltr., 2 Ltr., 5 Ltr.
• Paddy, maize, Kurakkan like Cereal crops
• Green beans, soybeans, sesame like legumes
• Kekiri, cucumber, bitter gourd, pumpkin, snake guard, luffa & water melon like Cucurbitaceae
family crops
• Chili, tomato & eggplants like Solanaceae family crops
• carrots, Radish , beetroot, cabbage, like Crops
• Banana, papaya, passion fruit, pineapples like fruit crops
• Betel , pepper
Dosage and Application
• Farmer’s organic Liquid fertilizer can be applied in any stage of the crop cultivation.
• Mix 4-5 Liters of Farmer’s organic liquid fertilizer with 400 Liters of water per hectare.
• Repeat the same withing 7-14 days as per the requirement of the cultivation the get the best
• Using Farmer’s organic liquid fertilizer in the evening time will give more results.
Benefits of using Farmer’s Organic Liquid (Farmer’s Amino plus/ V Top/ T Top)
• Increase branches, buds, flowering and fruiting.
• Improves fruit size and texture.
• Enhances the ability of fruit to remain fresh.
• Plants become stronger, more powerful and resistant to stress.
• Increase harvest period and yield and weight.
• Increase resistant to pest and disease attack.
• Can be applied any type of crops.
Available pack size
• 200 ml, 500 ml, 1 Ltr., 2 Ltr., 5 Ltr.

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